No more Toxic Village

Sunday, May 07, 2006

taking pictures

i wanna go back to the ghetto and take pictures of all the rusted metal and garbage bags overflowing on the lawn, all the broken glass and furniture thrown, landed on the front step. i wanna take pictures of the gravel pit and the factory making whatever spews black smoke all the time. i wanna take pictures of all the signs faded and painted over new names, the empty windows of the hardware store, the imported ladies clothing all dark and dusty inside. i wanna take pictures of the desperate outside the coffee shop with dirty pants and hands and eyes wanting to see something beautiful instead of the garbage, the mud, the dust that flies in the air and lands on their shirt sleeves making them sneeze. i wanna take pictures of the train that passes by with cars full of rock no people. i wanna take pictures of the tulips coming up between the cracks all yellow and full in the sun, the way grass grows in between the concrete sidewalk.


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