happy love day
yes it's the day of love and the cold winter snow blowing snow outside can't cool the warm inside the warm heart inside beating thinking of you and how it would be if we were together on this love day the made up day to sell more cards to sell more chocolate to sell more plush animals clutching hearts in their hands but still i want to celebrate not with any of those things but with the rememberence of the beauty of love of the power of love of the cliche of love and the warm so warm against the storm
just to see you and feel you feel inside the warm shiver the warm spread from my heart outward my cheeks all flushed with the movement of you the sight of you the smell of you close and just because love day should be everyday that we should always love our neighbor our family our friends even our enemies (oh but there should be no enemies if love was as progressive as weapons and words to stir us up in difference) but we forget cause there is so much going on outside that we can forget to reflect and feel not do not go not follow but feel.
I think this is my favourite piece of yours so far....
maybe 'cause it is about love?
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